Habrotrocha crenata, whirling; trunk with conspicuously granulated epidermis; head with broad triangular shaped upper lip. |
Habrotrocha crenata; another specimen, whirling; showing upper lip. |
Habrotrocha crenata; while creeping the head shows two eversions of the epidermis (arrowheads). |
Habrotrocha crenata; upper left image: crop of above image showing the trophi with dental formula 8/8. Upper right image: whirling specimen, ventral view; sulcus between trochal discs is just a narrow notch. The corona is smaller than the head. Lower left image: dorsal antenna. Lower right image: foot and spurs. |
Habrotrocha crenata; two conspicuous appendices (arrowheads) at the preanal segment. Some of the food pellets in the syncytial stomach are perceptible. |
Habrotrocha crenata; ventral view showing foot and spurs plus warts on the epidermis. |
Habrotrocha crenata; creeping, showing the foot and the cilia of the rostrum. |
Differential diagnosis: maybe confused with Philodina rugosa or Habrotrocha aspera. Philodina rugosa has a similar granulated epidermis, but has the dental formula 3/3, has eyespots on the brain. The corona of P. rugosa is much wider. Habrotrocha aspera has the dental formula 2/2 and has a dent between the trochal dics. |
Location: Germany, Hattingen Oberstueter, forest |
Habitat: beech litter (Fagus sylvatica), together with Otostephanos auriculatus, Macrotrachela quadricornifera. |
Date: 26-28.5.2013 |